HACG Proposed Pet Policy & Agreement
This Notice is to inform you that the Housing Authority of the City of Greenville Board of Commissioners has opened the Public Comment Period to accept comments for the Proposed Pet Policy and Agreement revisions. A draft copy may be found below for your review and comments. Comments on the proposed Pet Policy shall be submitted in writing (US mail, email, or in person) by April 25, 2025, to Shanetta Moye at moyesd@ghanc.net, or 1103 Broad Street, Greenville, N.C. Copies of the Proposed Pet Policy & Pet Agreement are available at the Property Management offices and the Central Office at 1103 Broad Street.
- The Authority's Pet Policy allows residents to keep a common household pet in the dwelling unit. A common household pet is a domesticated animal such as a dog, cat, bird, rodent (including rabbits), fish, or turtle, traditionally kept in homes for pleasure rather than commercial purposes. This does not include snakes, lizards, and other reptiles except turtles.
- An additional security deposit of $150.00 plus a non-refundable Pet Fee of $300.00 must be paid at the time of the pet move-in unless it is a service and emotional support animal. (The Pet Fee and deposit must be paid in full before the pet is moved into the unit.) The security deposit or any part thereof may not be used for any damage incurred on the unit unless directly related to said pet.
- Signed statements assign responsibility to at least two people to care for the pet if the pet owner dies, becomes incapacitated, or is otherwise unable to care for the pet.
- The pet's size is limited to twenty-five (25) pounds (adult weight) unless it is a service and emotional support animal.
- The pet owner is responsible for all cleanup on the grounds or in the building. If the pet owner cannot do so or the tenant cannot be contacted, a $25.00 fee for each cleanup performed by the Housing Authority will be assessed.
- All pet owners must submit an up-to-date immunization record from a qualified veterinarian, display a current license tag, and provide a current photo of the pet. Immunization records, pet license tags, and a current photo of the pet must be presented during the pet owner's recertification of tenant eligibility.
- Pet owners must always make a bona fide effort to control fleas and ticks.
- Limit one pet per unit. Pets will be restricted to designated pet areas only. Pets will not be allowed in any designated area unless accompanied by a responsible person and restrained on a leash or similar device.
- A visiting pet will not be allowed accommodations.
- A pet owner violates the city ordinance on animal control when his or her animal makes objectionable noises or destroys or damages the property of others.
- Pet owners must comply with all Housing Authority, County, State, and Federal Regulations on animal regulatory laws.
- When litter boxes are in use, the pet owner will change the litter at least twice weekly and dispose of pet waste in accordance with local city ordinance on animal control.
- Inspections other than those permitted under the lease may be made after proper notification and during reasonable hours if a complaint is received in writing and the Housing Authority has reasonable grounds to believe that a nuisance or threat to the health and safety of the occupants of the dwelling or surrounding area exists.
- In the event of a pet rule violation, the pet owner will have up to ten (10) days from the date of service of the notice to cure the violation, to remove the pet, or to make a written request for a meeting to discuss said violation(s). The pet owner is entitled to be accompanied by another person of his or her choice during the meeting. Failure to cure the violation, to request a meeting, or to appear at a requested meeting may result in termination of tenancy.
- If a pet is removed due to the death or incapacity of the pet owner and the two responsible parties are contacted and are unwilling or unable to remove the pet; or cannot be contacted, the pet will be removed and placed in a pet facility for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. The cost of the animal care shall be borne by the pet owner or his/her estate. If unable or unwilling to pay, the cost will be paid from the pet deposit.
- All conditions must be met, and the lease must be signed before admitting said pet to the dwelling unit.
Residents may maintain one pet from category a or b along with a pet from category c and d (e.g., one (1) dog and two (2) birds or one (1) cat and an aquarium, but not a dog and a cat):
a. Dogs:
- Maximum Number - 1
- Maximum size - 25 lbs.
- Must have current inoculations
- Must hold current local license (if applicable)
b. Cats:
- Maximum number - 1
- Maximum size - N/A
- Must have current inoculations
- Must hold current local license (if applicable)
c. Birds:
- Maximum number - 2 (i.e. Love Birds, Finches, etc.)
- Maximum size - Parakeet size (no parrots, myna birds, etc.)
d. Fish/Turtle:
- Maximum Aquarium size - 10 gallons
- Maximum number of aquariums - 1 aquarium
- The aquarium must be placed in a safe location in the unit
The following breeds are not allowed on the Housing Authority of the City of Greenville property:
- Pitt Bulls, including American Staffordshire Bull Terriers and English Staffordshire Bull Terriers
- Rottweilers
- Doberman Pinschers
- Chows
- Wolf hybrids
- German Shepherds
- Boxers
- Mastiffs
- Malamutes
No reptiles (except turtles), monkeys, or other exotic or undomesticated animals of any type are allowed. This Policy does not apply to service or companion animals as defined by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. (Pet owners must comply with all Housing Authority, County, State, and Federal Regulations on animal regulatory laws.)
A resident who wishes to have a pet must first notify the Property Manager. The Property Manager will then schedule an appointment with the resident for an "interview" with the pet and/or service and emotional support animal and must provide the following information:
- Name, address, and phone number of veterinarian
- Veterinarian's certification that the pet is in good health, has had the necessary inoculations and booster shots
- Current photo of the pet
The "interview" is to verify that the pet complies with the selection criteria, appears to be in good health, is well cared for, is well-behaved, and is under the owner's control. Overly aggressive, overly active, or unfriendly animals will not be accepted. If the pet is rejected, the resident will be notified in writing of the reason(s) for the rejection.
The nonrefundable pet fee is $300.00, and the additional security deposit for a dog or cat is $150.00. Both must be paid before the pet is allowed on the housing authority property. (This does not apply to service and emotional support animals)
The unused portion of the pet fee is refundable after the unit has been vacated or the resident no longer owns or keeps a dog or cat in the apartment.
In addition, residents shall be liable for all damages resulting from any injury to a person or property of others, as stated in the Pet Agreement.
The Pet Fee may not be used to pay other non-compliance fines detailed in this policy.
This deposit/fee is separate from the apartment security deposit and rent paid at the time of occupancy.
The pet must be kept in the resident's apartment and on a leash at all times when outside the apartment. It will never be allowed to roam free. This is to help prevent the spread of pet dander, which can cause severe allergies in many people.
Anyone allowing a pet to walk without a leash will receive one (1) written warning of the violation; thereafter, the pet's residency may be terminated. (In the event of a pet rule violation, the pet owner will have up to ten (10) days from the date of service of the notice to cure the violation, to remove the pet, or to make a written request for a meeting to discuss said violation(s). The pet owner is entitled to be accompanied by another person of his or her choice during the meeting. Failure to cure the violation, to request a meeting, or to appear at a requested meeting may result in termination of tenancy.)
All animal waste or litter from litter boxes or cages is to be picked up and disposed of in SEALED PLASTIC BAGS and placed in the trash bin or garbage chute. Cat litter must be emptied at least twice weekly and cleaned daily. If a smell develops because of improper care, one (1) verbal reprimand followed by one (1) written reprimand will be given. A second notice of the problem will result in the resident being required to remove the pet from the property. Litter from litter boxes IS NOT to be disposed of down the toilet. Charges for unclogging the toilet or cleaning up the common grounds because of a resident's pet or care of a resident's pet will be billed back to the resident at the actual cost for each occurrence. The resident is responsible for cleaning up after his/her pet. You agree to use a "pooper scooper" or bag, newspaper, etc. to remove "deposits" left by your pet when it defecates anywhere on the property.
The resident agrees to keep his/her pet under control at all times so that the pet does not jump up on other residents or guests on the property and so that they are not bothered or unduly frightened by excessive barking or other aggressive behavior. (Inspections other than those permitted under the lease may be made after proper notification and during reasonable hours if a complaint is received in writing and the Housing Authority has reasonable grounds to believe that a nuisance or threat to the health and safety of the occupants of the dwelling or surrounding area exists.)
Pets that become a nuisance to the peaceful enjoyment of others, due to, and including but not limited to, persistent barking, whining, foul smell, animal waste, biting, scratching, incessant loud noises, running at large, and damaging property, must be removed from the property.
Pets left unattended will be considered an emergency and reported to Animal Protective Services or other appropriate authority for removal from the premises at the resident's expense.
The resident agrees to provide the pet adequate care, nutrition, exercise, and medical care, including current shots as required or necessary. Pets that appear to be poorly cared for or are left unattended will be reported to Animal Protective Services or other appropriate authority for removal at the resident's expense.
Pets should be removed from the apartments for the specified time for any extermination or defleaing treatment. The resident assumes full responsibility for the pet's health if it is not removed during extermination or defleaing treatment.
The resident also acknowledges that other residents may have chemical sensitivities or allergies or be easily frightened by such animals. Therefore, the resident agrees to exercise common sense and common courtesy regarding other residents' rights to peaceful and quiet enjoyment of the premises.
The resident agrees to update the Pet Registration annually in conjunction with their Annual Recertification to ensure that the information about the pet is current. Submission of a current photo of the pet is required at the time of the Annual Recertification. The pet's residency may be terminated if the resident fails to update the Pet Registration annually. (If a pet is removed due to the death or incapacity of the pet owner and the two responsible parties are contacted and are unwilling or unable to remove the pet; or cannot be contacted, the pet will be removed and placed in a pet facility for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. The cost of the animal care shall be borne by the pet owner or his/her estate. If unable or unwilling to pay, the cost will be paid from the pet deposit.)