Community Police Officers
In June of 2003, the Greenville Police Department (GPD) and the Housing Authority of the City of Greenville (HACG) entered into an agreement to provide additional law enforcement in the areas owned and managed by the Authority. The GPD employs a community-policing concept that encourages interactive partnerships between law enforcement agencies, their officers, and the people they serve. The officers focus on developing relationships with residents of the communities to build trust and transparency, leading to more efficient and effective policing and better community-police relationships. In addition, HACG serves as a host site for National Night Out (NNO) activities throughout our communities held annually on the first Tuesday in August. NNO brings neighbors and law enforcement together in a relaxed, street party-like environment bringing back a true sense of community.
For emergencies, call 911
For non-emergencies, call 252-329-4315
Contact: Shanetta Moye, Deputy Executive Director/COO - 252.329.4123